We are a community that goes beyond fitness to train and strengthen the mind, body, and soul.
The heart of strength training focuses to build a stronger you from within to optimize your FULL potential. We train together to inspire, encourge, and support each other. We enhance our strength and power by instilling discipline and dedication. Through overcoming barriers and moving beyond challenges, we access a healthier you. Together we are stronger on all levels. Lets lean into discomfort because thats where the results are achieved.
A full body strength focused workout using a barbell and weight plates to build muscle and fire up your metabolism. The class starts with a warm up and moves into the following targeted exercise: squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, and abs.
Strength is not just about building muscle, but more importantly, it’s about learning how to conquer your mind to keep going when you think you can’t. You are so much stronger than you think. It’s important to recognize the INNER Strength that lies within you. This is about tapping into a deeper level of self-care and self-gratitude, engaging in activities that elevate you and contribute to your overall well-being, not just within the confines of an exercise class, but in your life.